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Tutores  SHARD

Blue Shard


precio trade:15k

localizacion: al norte de la isla 6

obtencion: clamperl salvajes bajo el agua


Move's cost :


Defense curl : 1 blue shard.

Mud-slap : 1 blue shard.

Snore : 1 blue shard.

Swift : 2 blue shards.

Endure : 3 blue shards.

Psych up : 3 blue shards.

Nightmare : 3 blue shards.

Ice punch : 3 blue shards.


Red Shard


precio trade:30k - 35k

localizacion: 7 island, tanoby ruins

obtencion: Corsolas salvajes (super rod : Vermillion City. Cinnabar island, Route 128 & Ever Grande City).


Move's cost :


Spite : 1 red shard.

Knock off : 2 red shards.

Trick : 2 red shards.

Uproar : 2 red shards.

Endeavor : 3 red shard.

Iron Defense : 3 red shards.

Icy Wind : 3 red shards.

Ancientpower : 3 red shards.

Outrage : 3 red shards.

Fire punch : 3 red shards.


Green Shard


precio trade:40k

localizacion: 5 island, memorial pillar (south).

obtencion: relicanth salvajes bajo el agua (underwater and at night in tanoby ruins with super rod).


Move's cost :


Twister : 1 green shard.

String shot : 1 green shard.

Selfdestruct : 2 green shards.

Air cutter : 2 green shards.

Bounce : 2 green shards.

Magic coat : 3 green shards.

Pain split : 3 green shards.

Dive : 3 green shards.

Synthesis : 3 green shards.

Heal bell : 3 green shards.

Signal beam : 3 green shards.

Super fang : 3 green shards.

Headbutt : 5 green shards


Yellow Shard


precio trade: 20k - 25k

localizacion: al norte de la isla 1

obtencion: chinchou y lanturn salvajes (they are both underwater). 


Move's cost :


Bind : 1 yellow shard.

Helping hand : 1 yellow shard.

Low kick : 2 yellow shards.

Covet : 2 yellow shards.

Block : 2 yellow shards.

Recycle : 2 yellow shards.

Snatch : 2 yellow shards.

Role play : 2 yellow shards.

Skill swap : 2 yellow shards.

Hyper voice : 2 yellow shards.

Iron tail : 3 yellow shards.

Superpower : 3 yellow shards.

Heat wave : 3 yellow shards.

Sky attack : 3 yellow shards.

Thunderpunch : 3 yellow shards.



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